Thursday, March 28, 2013

To eat or not to eat... Organically?!

I know this is something that a lot of you are curious about, but might not know too much on the subject. In my opinion, it's the only way to fly. Eating organically has helped me with so many aspects of my everyday life, changes in my body and my own physical fitness. I found myself having so much more energy, sleeping better, a leaner physique, stronger digestive health, mental clarity and I even seem to handle stress better, not to mention just feeling amazing!

The biggest argument/complaint is that eating organically is expensive. I understand that it is a bit on the higher side as compared to regular food prices, but we have to think about quality over quantity in this situation. Take a look at where your expenses are going and see what you can do to try and budget better. How often do you go out to eat? How much do you spend on one meal as opposed to going to the grocery store? How much do you spend at Starbucks or a night out drinking with friends? If your trying to change to a healthier lifestyle, nutrition is your key to success. If your unhappy with your your body and the way you feel, you really have to take a look at what you are putting in your body. If you put bad gas in a car what happens? It's the same with our bodies. If you eat cheap, low quality food, don't be surprised when you are sluggish, groggy and irritable. It all comes down to what your willing to sacrifice for your health.

Just remember that as much as we want big business to have our best interest at heart, all they are after is the all mighty dollar. The more they can mass produce to make a profit the better. So many of our foods are pumped full of and sprayed with chemicals, steroids and anything they can get away with to make more of what they are selling. Processed foods are some of the worst foods out there, anything chemically altered is just that, altered to taste a certain way. If it's not natural than where did it come from? What did they do to it to make it taste like that?? It's down right scary when you stop and think about!

Certain types of protein we want to be on the lookout for are grass fed steaks, lean ground bison, lean ground beef, cage free eggs, cartons of egg whites, lean ground turkey, skinless chicken breast or tenders, lean pork chops, venison or other wild game, wild caught salmon, wild caught tilapia, orange roughy, catfish, trout, rock fish or cod, wild caught shrimp, wild caught scallops, mackerel, herring fillets, sardines and naturally flavored protein powders (Sun Warrior, MRM)

Carbohydrates that we want are broccoli, cauliflower, kale, spinach, mixed greens, arugula, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, avocados, brussel sprouts, asparagus, bok choy, garlic cloves, olives, raw fermented sauerkraut, swiss chard, sea vegetables, kimchi, squash, bell peppers, onions, green beans and collard greens.

We need to clean it up ladies and gentlemen. There is no other way around it! Your nutrition has to be and I stress has to be your number one priority. I would much rather have you eating clean and not working out rather then you working out and not really focused on your nutrition. Change the way you eat, change your life....


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