Sunday, March 31, 2013

PUT the CHOCOLATE down and back away slowly..

Happy Easter HEALTHYFITTERS! I hope all of you are enjoying a beautiful Sunday with your loved ones and taking time to be grateful for everything in your life!

I hate to rain on your parade, but that's what I do and why your reading this! :)


Today's post has to do with sugar and everything that comes along with it. Whether it's those delicious Easter treats that the big, furry rabbit left today or pies, cake, ice cream, Starbucks or whatever, it's hard to say no. You will just have a few right? "I just want to see how it tastes", "Oh it's just for the kids" or my personal favorite "I'm going to the gym later anyway." I've heard it all and may have even used the same excuses myself, but the truth is we are trying to justify our excuses for lack of will power. Problem is a few turn into a lot and before you know it you have eaten everything in sight minus the basket (unless it's made of pure chocolate).

When it comes to fat loss sugar is enemy #1. Did you know that every year most Americans eat at least their body weight in sugar?! According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the average adult in the United States takes in 22 teaspoons of added sugar a day, or a whopping 150 pounds a year, while teens pile in 34 teaspoons a day. That’s more than twice the amount of sugar we should be eating. This means that the average American is basically overdosing on sugar. Too much sugar can increase the chances for a host of diseases that can affect your mind and body. Mounting evidence suggests that flooding your system with the sweet stuff can play a role in obesity, heart disease, and cancer. It can also impact how you look or feel, doing damage to your skin or altering your mood.

Look, I love sweets as much as the next guy, but before you go reaching for something processed and full of refined sugar, look at grabbing some fruit or possibly organic berries. Yes I know that fruit has sugar in it, it's natural, not chemically altered and hasn't been added to the fruit. I understand that it's not the same, but you have become an addict and sugar is the drug, the more you have the more you crave. What makes it worse is that it's readily available and you can get it virtually everywhere and no one is going to stop you and it's not illegal. Sugar in my opinion is just as bad, if not worse than drugs and alcohol. Your not hurting anyone else, your just killing yourself from the inside slowly but surely.

It's a battle you have to fight each and every day, especially if you have a sweet tooth and over consume sugar. The choice is yours to make the change and the difference in your own body. Don't be slave to sweets and let it control your life. Cut out the bullshit and see how your body changes just by the way you eat. Keep it clean, keep organic!


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